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19 октября 2024 / Saturday / Неделя нечетная
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Education: Successfully graduated from Automation and Electromechanics faculty Tomsk polytechnic university in 2001 with a specialist degree. Speciality «Electric drive and Automation of industrial plants».

Dissertation: «Development and research of high-precision electromechanical controls of executive devices of the orientation and stabilization systems of the spacecraft». In 2014 approved academic degree Candidate of Science Degree.


2001-2004 – third class engineer;

2004-2006 – second class engineer;

2006-2011 – first class engineer;

2011-2013 – heading engineer;

2013 - present – head of laboratory, AO “Science Industrial Company “Polus” Tomsk;

2015 - present – assistant professor, TPU
2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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