31 января 2025 / Friday
/ Неделя четная
Main results of research are:
The threshold processes induced by high-current electron beams in the condensed environments are found and investigated:
electric breakdown of dielectrics and semiconductors (ionic crystals, power materials, LED nanoheterostructures);
formation of periodic structures of destruction in alkaline and haloid crystals;
detonation of brisant explosive of tetranitropentaerythritol (PETN);
filamentation and self-focusing of a high-current electron beam in the vacuum diode of the GIV-600 accelerator.
Physical models of initiation of explosive decomposition of power materials at excitement are developed by high-current electron beams.
The volume electric discharges induced with the help the high-current electron beams in atmospheric air are found and investigated.
Processes of a radiating recombination in LED nanoheterostructures of InGaN/GaN at excitement are for the first time studied by high-energy electron beams.
Methods of diagnostics and control of materials with application the silnotochnykh of electron beams are developed.