1. Nurpeiis A.E. Mathematical modeling of heat transfer in closed two–phase thermosyphon / A.E. Nurpeiis. // EPJ Web of Conferences. – 2014. – Vol. 76.
2. Nurpeiis A.E. Mathematical modeling of force convection in a two–phase thermosyphon in conjugate formulation / A.E. Nurpeiis, A.E. Nee // EPJ Web of Conferences. – 2016. – V. 110. Thermophysical Basis of Energy Technologies.
3. Nurpeiis A.E., Nemova T.N. The opportunity analyses of using thermosyphons in cooling systems of power transformers on thermal stations. // MATEC Web of Conferences. Heat and mass transfer in the system of thermal modes of energy – Technical and technological equipment. 2016. V. 72.
4. Nurpeiis A.E., Mamontov G., Valieva L. Numerical analyses of the effect of a biphasic thermosyphon vapor channel sizes on the heat transfer intensity when heat removing from a power transformer of combined heat and power station // MATEC Web of Conferences Thermophysical Basis of Energy Technologies. 2016. V 92.
5. Nurpeiis A.E., Ponomarev K.O., Orlova E.G. Experimental study of thermosyphon operation when cooling the condensation part by drop irrigation // MATEC Web of Conferences Thermophysical Basis of Energy Technologies. 2016. V 92.
6. Nurpeiis A.E. Experimental research of thermophysical processes in a closed two–phase thermosyphon / A.E. Nurpeiis, D.V. Feoktistov, E.A. Vympin, // MATEC Web of Conferences. 2016. V. 72. P