Никитенков Алексей Николаевич
Кандидат геолого-минералогических наук

Отделение геологии, Доцент
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Information Technologies
Purpose of learning: Prepare of students for production-technological and project activities providing upgrades, implementation and operation of modern land reclamation and engineering-ecological systems, land reclamation, environmental systems; readiness for interdisciplinary experimental research activities for solving problems related to the development of innovative and effective methods of environmental engineering and water management; the ability to justify and defend their own conclusions and insights to audiences with different degrees of interdisciplinary professional training; readiness of graduates for self-education and continuous professional self-improvement in conditions of autonomy and self-government.
Structure and content of the discipline:
Topic 1. Introduction to information technology
Topic 2. Evolution of information technology
Topic 3. Automated information technology
Topic 4. The role of information technology in the development of economy and society
Topic 5. The process of processing and protecting data
Topic 6. Specific information technology
Topic 7. The types and modes of data processing
Topic 8. Data protection technology
Topic 9. The concept of geographical information systems; geographical information systems: science, technology, industry; the periodization of the development of Geoinformatics.
The theme 10. GIS capabilities
11. GIS as a basis for integration of spatial data and technologies
12. Intellectualization and support decision-making in geo-Informatics
List of laboratory works:
1. The study of ArcCatalog and ArcMap
2. The study of GIS data
3. Planning the GIS project
4. Database compilation
5. Preparing data for analysis
6. Execution data analysis
7. Presentation of results

learning activities time resource for full-time education
Lectures, h 16
Laboratory classes, h 16
Classroom instruction 32 hours
Independent work, h 76
TOTAL h 108
Water management construction and operations in environmental engineering and water management
Purpose of learning:
The formation of students ' readiness for production-technological and project activities providing upgrades, implementation and operation of modern land reclamation and engineering-ecological systems, land reclamation, environmental systems; readiness for interdisciplinary experimental research activities for solving problems related to the development of innovative and effective methods of environmental engineering and water management; the ability to justify and defend their own conclusions and insights to audiences with different degrees of interdisciplinary professional training; readiness of graduates for self-education and continuous professional self-improvement in conditions of autonomy and self-government.
Structure and content of the discipline
Topic 1. Build object (build What?).
Topic 2. The construction participants and relationships between them. (Who builds?)
Topic 3. The system of normative documents in construction. (The guide?)
Topic 4. Sources of funding (Who pays?).
Topic 5. The life cycle of the project (what the money is spent?).
Topic 6. Documentation on construction management and manufacturing works (POS, PPR) (How to prepare for the construction?).
Topic 7. Construction and installation works (SMR). (How to build?).
Topic 8. Construction management organization. How to manage the process?
Topic 9. Control and accounting in construction. How to ensure the quality of works?
Topic 10. Environment protection during construction. How not to harm nature?
Topic 11. Delivery of objects in operation and commissioning work. How to finish the construction?

List of laboratory works on the topic: 1. Creation of a cartographic basis of the project of construction of the reservoir.
2. Calculation of the characteristics of the future reservoir.
3. The infrastructure of the future reservoir.
4. The calculation of the estimate and the construction costs.
5. The formation of the schedule of construction.

Learning activities:
Lectures, h 22
Practical training, h 22
Laboratory classes, h 22
Classroom instruction h 44
Independent work, h 64
TOTAL h 108
Organization and technology works on environmental engineering and water management
Purpose of learning:
The formation of students ' readiness for production-technological and project activities providing upgrades, implementation and operation of modern land reclamation and engineering-ecological systems, land reclamation, environmental systems; readiness for interdisciplinary experimental research activities for solving problems related to the development of innovative and effective methods of environmental engineering and water management; the ability to justify and defend their own conclusions and insights to audiences with different degrees of interdisciplinary professional training; readiness of graduates for self-education and continuous professional self-improvement in conditions of autonomy and self-government.
Structure and content of the discipline
Topic 1. Build object (build What?).
Topic 2. The construction participants and relationships between them. (Who builds?)
Topic 3. The system of normative documents in construction. (The guide?)
Topic 4. Sources of funding (Who pays?).
Topic 5. The life cycle of the project (what the money is spent?).
Topic 6. Documentation on construction management and manufacturing works (POS, PPR) (How to prepare for the construction?).
Topic 7. Construction and installation works (SMR). (How to build?).
Topic 8. Construction management organization. How to manage the process?
Topic 9. Control and accounting in construction. How to ensure the quality of works?
Topic 10. Environment protection during construction. How not to harm nature?
Topic 11. Delivery of objects in operation and commissioning work. How to finish the construction?

List of laboratory works on the topic:
1. Creation of a cartographic basis of the project of construction of the reservoir.
2. Calculation of the characteristics of the future reservoir.
3. The infrastructure of the future reservoir.
4. The calculation of the estimate and the construction costs.
5. The formation of the schedule of construction.

learning activities time resource for full-time education
Lectures, h 10
Laboratory classes, h 10
Classroom instruction, 20 hours
Independent work, h 46
TOTAL h 66
Water supply and engineering amelioration
Purpose of learning - prepare students for:: - production and project activities, ensuring the modernization of technologies of geological exploration;
interdisciplinary experimental research activities for solving problems related to the development of innovative technologies in the exploration field;
- ability to justify and defend their own conclusions and insights to audiences with different degrees of interdisciplinary professional training;
- self-education and continuous professional self-improvement in a competitive environment, modernization of production and globalization of the economy.
Structure and content of the discipline Section 1. Water
1.1. Introduction. Water supply and vodootvedenie.
1.2. Intakes
1.3. Operational exploration of groundwater
1.4. Quality requirements of drinking water regulations and the use of them.
1.5. Sanitary protection zones and regime of observation
1.6. Types of contaminants. The search for the sources of pollution
1.7. Types and methods of water treatment
1.8. Transportation and distribution of water.
List of laboratory works on the topic:
1.1. Familiarity with the water system of the city of Tomsk.
1.2. The calculation of the radiation of underground water intake
1.3. The calculation of the interacting water intake
1.4. Quality assessment and choice of treatment methods of drinking water
1.5. Calculation of sanitary protection zones

Section 2. General information on reclamation
2.2. Irrigation land reclamation
2.3. Requirements for quality of irrigation water
2.4. Resolutely reclamation
2.5. Erosion control land reclamation
2.6. Drainage amelioration
2.7. Melioration and reclamation of land
Laboratory work on the topic: 2.1. Reading reclamation maps.
2.2. Assessment of the quality of irrigation water.
2.3. Analysis of plots of salinity.
2.4. Calculation of the horizontal systematic drainage.
2.5. Assessment of reclamation of the hydrogeological conditions

learning activities time resource for full-time education
Lectures, h 14
Laboratory classes, h 14
Classroom instruction h 28
Independent work, h 36
TOTAL, h 64
Mathematical modeling of the processes in the components of nature
Purposes of the module (discipline):
- prepare graduates for interdisciplinary research for solving problems of planning and organization of research of anthropogenic impact on the natural environment and improvement activities in the field of environmental engineering and water management
- prepare graduates to innovate in the field of engineering survey, design and operation of systems environmental engineering and water management
- prepare graduates for organization, processes engineering, design and operation of environmental engineering and water management ensuring the high quality of these processes, and compliance with Russian and international legal documents
- prepare graduates for self-education and continuous professional self-improvement in conditions of autonomy and self-government.

Structure and content of the discipline
Section 1. The principles of description of natural-anthropogenic physical-chemical systems Lectures:
Thermodynamic (physico-chemical) system. Exchange matter and energy with the external environment. Solid, liquid and gaseous phases. Components of physical-chemical systems. (2 hours)
Practical exercises:
Learning software numerical simulation for the solution of hydrogeological problems (4 hours)
Modeling of hydrogeochemical processes in aqueous solutions using a PC HydroGeo: model setup (4 hours)
Modeling of hydrogeochemical processes in aqueous solutions using a PC HydroGeo: sampling chemical data of natural waters (2 hours)
Section 2. Thermodynamic data and model parameters
Changes of Gibbs energy, entropy, heat capacity and volume during the physico-chemical interactions.
Standard thermodynamic parameters of substances, chemical reactions and physico-chemical processes. Reference and electronic database of thermodynamic data. (2 hours)
Practical exercises:
Modeling of hydrogeochemical processes in aqueous solutions using a PC HydroGeo: calculation of chemical properties (2 hours)
Modeling of hydrogeochemical processes in aqueous solutions using a PC HydroGeo: calculation of the forms of migration of elements in the solution (2 hours)
Section 3. Physical chemistry of natural aqueous solutions
Ideal and real fluids, minerals, gases. The concept of standard state and activity. Activity coefficients and their determination on the basis of equations of Debye-hückel limiting law were used and the method of Pitzer. Fundamentals of chemical kinetics and ways of accounting when describing behavior models in real time. (4 hours)
Practical exercises:
Modeling of hydrogeochemical processes in aqueous solutions using a PC HydroGeo: calculation of activities of components in solution (2 hours)
Modeling of hydrogeochemical processes in aqueous solutions using a PC HydroGeo: the processes of dissolution/precipitation of mineral phases (4 hours)
The modeling of the mixing of natural waters (4 hours)
Laboratory classes: Modeling processes involving gas (2 hours)
the processes of dissolution/precipitation of mineral phases within the established timeframe (365 days) (6 hours)
The development of the software PHREEQC or SOLMINEQ (8 hours)

learning activities time resource for full-time education
Lectures 8 h
Practical training, h 16
Laboratory classes, h 24
Classroom training, h. 48
Independent work, 60 h.
TOTAL h 108
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