Born October 1 1978 г. Education: Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, a branch in g.Yurge, specialty management, with honors. End date - 2001. Postgraduate TUSUR, specialty 05.13.06 "Automation and control of technological processes and manufactures (on branches) in technical sciences", scientific director Honored Scientist of Russia AM Korikov. The author of more than 70 scientific and methodical publications, among them: in the national press - 10, certificates of registration of software products - 8. Engineer of the Year 2006, awarded a number of certificates, diplomas and letters of appreciation for his scientific achievements. Obtained acts introduction of scientific developments. Scientific research won awards exhibitions and competitions at various levels.
Born October 1 1978 г. Education: Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, a branch in g.Yurge, specialty management, with honors. End date - 2001. Postgraduate TUSUR, specialty 05.13.06 "Automation and control of technological processes and manufactures (on branches) in technical sciences", scientific director Honored Scientist of Russia AM Korikov. The author of more than 70 scientific and methodical publications, among them: in the national press - 10, certificates of registration of software products - 8. Engineer of the Year 2006, awarded a number of certificates, diplomas and letters of appreciation for his scientific achievements. Obtained acts introduction of scientific developments. Scientific research won awards exhibitions and competitions at various levels.