Никоненко Елена Леонидовна
Кандидат физико-математических наук

Отделение экспериментальной физики, Старший преподаватель
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Nikonenko Elena Leonidovna graduated from Tomsk Institute of Civil Engineering (now Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building, TSUAB) in 1985 and completed the full course of the said University, majoring in Water Supply and Drainage. In 2000, Nikonenko started her career at the Department of Physics, TSUAB. From 2003 till 2006, she had studied at postgraduate courses. Later, she occupied capacities of instructor and senior lecturer and was engaged in conducting seminars and laboratory classes on General Physics for both full- and part-time students. Since 2009, Nikonenko has delivered lectures on High-Strength Advanced Materials (Superalloys). On 29th of December, 2013, Nikonenko defended her thesis on ‘Phase morphology and transformation at thermal treatment of Ni-Al-Cr- and Ni-Al-Co-based superalloys. Scale and concentration effects’. On 21st of July, 2014, Nikonenko was granted the PhD academic degree by the order of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. Today, Nikonenko is responsible for the radiation safety of Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building. She takes part in preparation of student reports for the annual scientific conference and is involved in a number of international scientific events such as ‘Prospects of Fundamental Sciences Development’; ‘Ordering in Minerals and Alloys - OMA-17’, and others. Over 150 publications by Nikonenko are presented in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ordering in Minerals and Alloys; International Conference of Students and Young Scientists ‘Prospects of Fundamental Sciences Development’; and scientific journals such as Zhurnal funktsional'nykh materialov (Functional Materials Journal); Physics; Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. Nikonenko is a member of the Organizing Committee of the International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists ‘Prospects of Fundamental Sciences Development’. Her research activity is coordinated by the commercial agreements and grants that is carried out in the research laboratory of TSUAB. In 2014, Nikonenko improved her qualifications at Tomsk State University on the program of ‘Prospective Functional Materials: Synthesis, Applications and Research Methods’. She took part in the preparation of a physical practicum for laboratory classes (volumes 1, 2, 3); methodology guidelines and tasks for tests for part-time students. Since 2014, she has delivered lectures on General Physics for international students at the Interdisciplinary Department of the Institute of International Education and Language Communication.

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