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2008 participated in the Contract on designing the EG-350 electro-discharge generator to ITAC ltd, Japan, participated in the precommissioning of the installation to the Customer.

2010-2012 executed RFBR grant 10-08-00287 «Development and Study of a Portable Plasma Focus Neutron Source». Head: prof. Krauz V.I. (National Research Centre "Kurchatov Institute")

2011-2013 executed the Contracts with China:

14-429/2010КУ «Design and manufacture of the magnetic pulse generator»

3-359/2011КУ «Design, manufacture, and delivering of the pulse transformer»

3-358/2011КУ «Design, manufacture, and delivering of the pulse forming line»

3-357/2011КУ «Design, manufacture, and delivering of the diode system»

Since 2014 and up to now executor of the Contract 01/0639/13 (3-295/2013у) with LLC Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk

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