The title of the course:Bases of Programming and Algorithmization in Automation
14.05.04 “Electronics and Automation of Nuclear Plants”
Credits: 4.
Format: 144 hours, including 32 lectures, 48 labs, 64 independent work.
Рart 1. Bases of algorithmization and data structures.
Рart 2. Programming bases in C language.
Рart 3. Numerical methods and algorithms.
Рart 4. The solution of engineering tasks in the MathCad system
Рart 5. The solution of engineering tasks in Ms Excel.
Laboratory works:
Lab 1. Windows operating system: user's interface, instruction system.
Lab 2. Ms Word: interface and general using operations, typing and text formatting, insert of graphic primitives, creation of styles and templates, work with the formulas editor.
Lab 3. Ms Excel: interface and general using operations, creation tables and charts, data exchange of Ms Excel and Ms Word, processing of experimental data, linear regression.
Lab 4. FoxPro: user's interface, design of the database.
Lab 5. FoxPro: Оperations of data selection and data sorting with help of the FOXPRO instructions and the SQL language, preparation of reports.
Lab 6. Creation of the web site on html.