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  • Award of the Tomsk region governor in 2007
  • Gratitude letter from the City Scientific and Methodological Center for the great contribution to the development of the physics competitions in the city of Tomsk and the creation of conditions for supporting gifted youth and the promotion of scientific knowledge in 2007
  • Laureate diploma of the Tomsk region competition in the field of education, science, healthcare and culture in 2008
  • Medal for the best scientific student work in natural, technical and human sciences at universities of the Russian Federation in 2009
  • Grant of the Dynasty Foundation for graduate students and scientists without a degree in 2009.
  • Member of the Council of Young Scientists of Tomsk state university 2009-2011.
  • Winning the competition for grants in the framework of the program "Best Graduate Students of the RAS" in 2010.
  • Co-organizer of All-Russian science festival at Tomsk state university in 2010-2011.
  • Grant for research by graduate students in the framework of the Federal target program "Scientific personnel of innovative Russia" for 2010-2011
  • Letter of appreciation from the Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Tomsk for assistance in organizing and conducting the municipal stage of the All-Russian Subject Olympiad in Physics for students of grades 7-11 of educational institutions of the city of Tomsk in 2017
Tomsk Polytechnic University
30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Office 127, 30, Lenin Avenue, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Telephone: +7(3822) 56-34-70, Fax: +7(3822) 56-38-65
Office 125, 4a, Usov Str., Tomsk, 634050, Russia
Tel./fax: +7(3822) 70-50-85
2016 © Tomsk Polytechnic University