Assistant Professor at Humanities and Foreign Languages Department (Yurga Institute of Technology affiliated TPU)
Candidate of pedagogic sciences, 2010, Tomsk State Pedagogic University
Marina V. Morozova teaches and writes in the areas of: English as a foreign language, Learning Experiences in Higher and Further Education Higher Education Area: The Bologna Declaration and ECTS Experiences Educational Management Vocational Training Lifelong Learning Workplace Training and Employability Issues University-Industry Cooperation Training educational staff Impact of Education on Development
Journal Articles
Demchenko, Morozova. Formation of professional self-determination being trained in the course of profile training abroad // Pedagogika, Issue 8, pp.: 108-116 (Web of Science)
Palyanov, Rudneva, Nikitin, Morozova. The management of youth employment in a lifelong engineering education system // International Review of Management and Marketing, forthcoming 2016 (SCOPUS)
Nikitin, Palyanov, Morozova, Markovichev. The Management of Advanced Training of Engineering and Technical Specialists Based on the Interaction between Universities and Business-Structures // International Review of Management and Marketing, forthcoming 2016 (SCOPUS)
Project: Comprehensive study of lifelong technical education. Regional issue
Key words: lifelong technical education, native and international innovative practices, staff training, employment, modernization, regional approach
Abstract: It is important to study the basics of lifelong technical education typical to Russia and other highly developed countries to work out its potential, and to have it as an opportunity to upgrade a regional model of lifelong technical education. It is of urgent importance to enhance economic development of Siberia region. It is clear that this will be possible if we accomplish the model of continuing staff training with native and international innovative practices. Furthering young people employment and community relief, lifelong technical education can reinforce the whole system of general and vocational education development.