He was born on August 17, 1972 in the city of Taiga, Kemerovo region. Until the end of secondary school he lived in the town of Yurga, Kemerovo region. Education: USUR Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Department of Industrial Electronics, majoring in electronic engineering (1989-1994). Scientific degree: candidate of technical sciences. Experience: - August 1994 - Engineer programmer of the State Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Jurga
- August 1995 - Serviceman of the Armed Forces (officers)
- September 1997 - Assistant of the Department of OID F TPU, Department of MIIG YUTI TPU
- February 1998 - Engineer for the Protection of Information Technologies of the JSCB RFB FSB 5963
- March 2007 - Associate Professor of the Department. MIIG UTI TPU
- May 2008 - Head of the Department. EiASU UTI TPU
- October 2014 - Associate Professor of the Department of EIA ASU UTI TPU
Awards: - The certificate of honor of the Department of Science and Higher School of the Kemerovo Region "for the presented experience" The Role and Place of Robotics in the Education System of the Kemerovo Region". (2016г.);
- Honorary Diploma of the Department of Science and Higher School of the Kemerovo Region(2012г.);
- Winner of the All-Russian competition "Engineer of the Year" in the nomination "Engineering Economics" in 2009, the award of the Governor of the Kemerovo Region(2009 г.);
- A gold medal and a diploma for the best exhibit presented at the international exhibition-fair "INNOVATION. INVESTMENTS. PROGRESS". The name of the exhibit: expert system for forecasting the effectiveness of innovative activity in Kemerovo in 2011. (M. Momot, D. N. Nesteruk);
- диплом и золотая медаль выставки-ярмарки «Инновационная экономика» за экспонат «Экспертная система прогнозирования инновационной деятельности» г. Кемерово, 20мая 2011г (Момот М.В., Нестерук Д.Н.);
- Letter of thanks from the Head of the City of Yurga for the high achievements in research activities(2008г.);
- Is listed on the Honor Board of UTI TPU (2012г.) ;
- Gold medal "Model of management processes for innovative business projects", KUZBAS INTERNATIONAL WEEK OF EFFECTIVE ECONOMY Kemerovo from May 27, 2014 to May 28, 2014 (Lizunkov VG, Kosovets AV, Momot MV).
Professional activity: - 77 scientific and scientific melodic works were published, including Scopus - 7 publications, a patent for a group of inventions - 1, registered software products - 9, teaching aids - 10.
- Publications and manuals were repeatedly noted at scientific events.
- A second edition of the popular science book on robotics was developed and is being developed «Mobile robots based on Arduino»