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Systems Engineering

Master program: Information Systems and Technologies

Qualification of the graduate: Master

Course: Systems Engineering


Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on how to design and manage complex engineering systems over their life cycles. Issues such as requirements engineering, reliability, logistics, coordination of different teams, testing and evaluation, maintainability and many other disciplines necessary for successful system development, design, implementation, and ultimate decommission become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects.

Software Engineering

Bachelor program: Information Systems and Technologies

Qualification of the graduate: Bachelor

Course: Software Engineering


The course is an introduction to development, maintenance and operation of software. Software quality, requirements engineering, design, coding, testing and documentation are key topics of the course.

Information Systems Design

Master program: Information Systems and Technologies

Qualification of the graduate: Master

Course: Information System Design


The course is focused on advanced database theory and information system design. The key topics are domain and database modeling, design and implementation of information system.

Software Project Management

Master program: Information Systems and Technologies

Qualification of the graduate: Master

Course: Software Project Management


The course is focused on the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to develop a software product.

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