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13 марта 2025 / Thursday / Неделя четная
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Work experience

September 2014 – Associate Professor at the Department of E-learning and Pedagogy,
E-learning Institute, Tomsk Polytechnic University
April 2014 – Director of  the E-learning Organization and Monitoring Center, E-learning Institute, Tomsk Polytechnic University
2005-2012 – Associate Professor at the Department of Informational Technologies, Tomsk State University

Education and training

2002 – Received MS degree in radiophysics from Tomsk State University
2007 – Defended PhD thesis on the academic degree "Candidate of Technical Sciences".
PhD thesis speciality 05.13.01 “System analysis, management and information processing"


1. Massive open online courses: development, application, promotion (TSU, Tomsk, 2015)

2. Online Learning consortium, Boston “Online Teaching Certificate Program” (Boston, 2014)

3. Tomsk Polytechnic University, E-learning in landskape of modern education: from theory to practice (TPU, Tomsk, 2014)

4. Online Learning consortium, Boston “Blended Learning Mastery Series” (Boston, 2013)