Year of birth: 1937. Education:: - Tomsk Polytechnic University (1959). Specialty – Electrification of industrial enterprises.
- Postgraduate studies (1961–1964) – Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Department of automatics and telemechanics.
The degree of candidate of technical sciences: Moscow Power Engineering Institute (1967). The degree of doctor of technical sciences: Tomsk Polytechnic University (1995). Thesis theme – Automatic control system with redundant dimension vector control. Honorary titles and memberships in professional societies: - Honorary worker of higher education of Russian Federation (1996 г.);
- Professor Emeritus of Tomsk Polytechnic University (2002 г.);
- European teacher of engineering universities (2002 г.);
- Full member of International Academy of Sciences of higher school (2003 г.);
- Corresponding member (1996 г.), Full member Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences of Russian Federation (2008 г.).
the winner of the contest among Professorial-teaching staff of Tomsk Polytechnic University in the nomination «Professor of the year» (2001, 2005). Awards: - Order of Friendship (2001 г.);
- Medal «For labour difference» (1986 г.);
- Medal «For valorous work. To mark the 100 anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin» (1970 г.);
- Medal «Veteran labour» (1997 г.);
- Medal «For service to the Fatherland» of Russian Political consultative Center (2007);
- Medal «100 years of trade unions of Russia» of Federation of independent trade unions of Russia (2006);
- I и II degree Medals «For merits before Tomsk Polytechnic University»;
- The winner of the contest among Professorial-teaching staff of Tomsk Polytechnic University in the nomination «Professor of the year» (2001, 2005).
Participation in scientific and methodological associations, Councils and commissions: - Member of the educational-methodical Association on the enlarged group of specialties and directions «Control in technical systems» of The Russian Ministry of education and science;
- Member of the educational-methodical Commission on system analysis and management and the educational-methodical Commission on Mechatronics and robotics of the Siberian regional training center of The Russian Ministry of education and science;
- Member of the regional educational associations for education in the sphere of radio engineering, electronics engineering, biomedical engineering and automation of The Russian Ministry of education and science.
- Member of the scientific-methodical Council of Tomsk Polytechnic University
Labour market activities Labour market activities 1. Tomsk Polytechnic Institute Department of automatic and telemechanics Assistant (09.1954 – 06.1959), Senior Lecturer (03.1961 – 10.1961). 2. Moscow Power Engineering Institute Graduate student (10.1961 – 10.1964). 3. Tomsk Polytechnic Institute Department of automatic and telemechanics: Assistant (10.1954 – 12.1965), Senior Lecturer (12.1966 – 10.1966), Head of the Department (10.1966 – 04.1982), Associate Professor (04.1982 – 12.1987) Robotic systems Department: Associate Professor (12.1987 – 10.1991) 4. Tomsk Polytechnic University Robotic systems Department: Associate Professor (10.1991 – 06.1993) Professor (06.1993 – 10.1997) Department of integrated computer control systems: Head of the Department (10.1997 – 04.2012), Professor (04.2012 – 11.2016) Department of control systems and mechatronics Professor (11.2016 – on now).