12 марта 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя четная
Time tableРасписание
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Section 1. Preparing the presentation of text 1.1. Types of presentations. Features of scientific reports. basic Basis of preparation and presentation. 1.2. Structuring content. Balance of time. 1.3. Principles of organization of the main part of the presentation modules. 1.4. The speech content presentation: volume, urgency and relevance. Section 2. Preparation of presentation slides 2.1. The use of ergonomic principles in the preparation of the slides. 2.2. Basic requirements for the presentation of scientific and technical information. 2.3. Design slides and permissible effects when you create a scientific technical presentations. Section 3. Preparation of the presentation 3.1. The emotional background of the presentation: speaker - visual materials - the audience. 3.2. Discussion of the presentation. Techniques answers.
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