Leader of grants
- Russian President Grant № MK-5516.2016.8 «Development for high-speed plasma deposition technology of polycrystalline diamond coatings on carbide milling tools» (2016-2017)
- RFBR Grant № № 16-32-60018 mol_a_DK« Scientific and technical bases of wear-resistant composite coatings synthesis based on diamond and cubic boron nitride for creating a new generation of carbide cutting tools » (2015-2017)
- RFBR Grant № 14-02-31232 mol_a «Theoretical and experimental bases of polycrystalline diamond films formation with low internal stresses» (2014-2015)
Co-executor of grants and business contracts
- RFBR Grant № 16-32-00008 mol_a « Research of physico – mechanical properties of diamond coatings using dynamic under layers with a multilayer structure» (2016-2017)
- RSF Grant № 15-19-10054 « Basic Research and Technological Applications of Nanoscale Dynamic Effects under Ion Irradiation in Order to Modify the Properties of Metal and Semiconductor Materials » (2015-2017)
- Contract № 3-715/2015K « Conducting of commissioning works and development of coating deposition technology in hot filament CVD installation for polycrystalline diamond films deposition» (2015 year)
- RFBR Grant № 13-08-98008 « Investigation closed electron drift in the ion diode with magnetic self-isolation» (2012-2013)
- Program of FTP № GC P830 « Development of nuclear fuel technology of advanced nuclear power plants » (2010-2012)
- Program of FTP № 16.516.11.6100 «The development of scientific and technical bases of increasing the reliability and durability of the LED lighting high-power devices for street lighting» (2011-2012)