Калиниченко Алексей Николаевич
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение контроля и диагностики, Доцент

Вн. телефон: 2769
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13 марта 2025 / Thursday / Неделя четная
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Section 1 Metrology. The main tasks of metrological support. (2 hrs.)
  1. Introduction. The scientific and technical basis of metrological support. (0.5 hours).
  2. The organization and the regulatory framework of metrological support. (0.5 hours).
  3. Units of physical quantities. Systems of units of physical quantities. (0.5 hours).
  4. Measurement errors. The theory of measurement errors. Accuracy of measuring instruments, processing of measurement results. (0.5 hours).
Section 2 Basis of state supervision and institutional control of measuring instruments. (3 hrs.)
  1. Metrological certification of measuring instruments. Verification of measurement tools. The role of metrological support SNK in improving the quality of products. (0.5 hours).
  2. Verification means. Conditions for verification. Creation and organization of verification units, departmental metrological services. (0.5 hours).
  3. Certification of NDT personnel. (2 hrs.)
Section 3 Standardization of non-destructive testing methods and tools. (3 hrs.)
  1. General characteristics of the non-destructive testing methods and tools. (1 hr.)
  2. Metrological certification of the visual inspection method. (0.5 hours).
  3. Metrological certification of capillary testing methods. (0.5 hours).
  4. Metrological certification of electromagnetic inspection techniques. (0.5 hours).
  5. Metrological certification of the ultrasonic inspection techniques. (0.5 hours).

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