Кузнецов Максим Александрович
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение промышленных технологий, Доцент
Отделение цифровых технологий и безопасности, Доцент

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Kuznetsov Maxim Aleksandrovich was born on December 9, 1985 in the Kemerovo region. In 2003 I left secondary school No. 14 of Yurga. The same year I entered Yurginsky institute of technology (branch) of Tomsk polytechnical university in "Technology and the equipment of welding production". After completion of training I started working as the assistant to "Technology and Equipment of Welding Production" chair at Yurginsky institute of technology (branch) of Tomsk polytechnical university. In 2009 I came to full-time postgraduate study of Tomsk polytechnical university in the specialty 05.09.03 "Electrotechnical complexes and systems".

M. A. smiths author of 3 electronic manuals, 1 patent, 2 certificates on registration of the computer programs and more than 50 scientific publications.

Now works as the senior teacher of "Technology and Equipment of Welding Production" chair of Yurginsky institute of technology.

Kuznetsov Maxim Aleksandrovich was born on December 9, 1985 in the Kemerovo region. In 2003 I left secondary school No. 14 of Yurga. The same year I entered Yurginsky institute of technology (branch) of Tomsk polytechnical university in "Technology and the equipment of welding production". After completion of training I started working as the assistant to "Technology and Equipment of Welding Production" chair at Yurginsky institute of technology (branch) of Tomsk polytechnical university. In 2009 I came to full-time postgraduate study of Tomsk polytechnical university in the specialty 05.09.03 "Electrotechnical complexes and systems".

M. A. smiths author of 3 electronic manuals, 1 patent, 2 certificates on registration of the computer programs and more than 50 scientific publications.

Now works as the senior teacher of "Technology and Equipment of Welding Production" chair of Yurginsky institute of technology.