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- Аверяскин С.Н., Кандиев Я.З., Кулешов В.К. Самарин С.И., Мамонтов Н.М. . Gas-Discharge Сonverter with Improved Spasial Resolution for Operation with the Вeam of 70 Mev Boun-dary Energy21-th.Intern. congress on High Speed Photongraphy and Photonics. V 2513, р. 668-678, 1994г.
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- Bespalov V.I., Zaitzev A.K., Kuleshov V.K Intrinsic bulur of the radiation converters working with a high energy radiation Defectoscopy. 1988. № 1. С. 71.
- Kuleshov V.K., Lapshin B.M., Oglezneva L.A. Use of spectral-correlation analysis in acoustic-emission inspection of pig launchers-receivers of oil main pipelines Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2005. Т. 41. № 8. С. 498-501
- Yury V. Alkhimov ,Yong Deak Kim, Valeriy K. Kulishov Television System for Recording Impulse Images in a Visual and Ultraviolet Pert of a Spectrum for the Purposes of Medical Fiagnostics. Signals and Devices: in Proceedings of Third IEEE International Conference on Systems, Sousse, Tunisa, 2005
- Yury V. Alkhimov., Valeriy K. Kulishov High-Sensitive X-Ray Detectors Using Gas Discharge with Extreme Dense Structure for amplification and Visualization of X-Ray Images. Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2005), Puerto Rico, USA, 2005
- Yury V. Alkhimov, Valeriy K. Kulishov The Mosaic Detector of X-Ray on The basis of Gas-Discharge Converters Information Technology: in Proceedings of 2-nd International Conference on, Suwon, Rep. Of Korea,2005
- Chakhlov V.L., Lisin V.A., Musabayeva L.I., Kuleshov V.K. Applicatin of Betatrons with Extracted Beam for Therapy Tomsk Region and Taiwan: Experience of Scientific- Technical and Innovation Cooperation: Proc. Siberian-Taiwan Forum - Tomsk, 16-17 September 2009. - Tomsk: ТМЛ-Пресс, 2009 - т. 1. - с. 137-141 (75222408)
- P. V. Efimov, V. K. Kuleshov Radiation testing Study Aid for students of High Educational Institutions training in the Preparation Directions 200100 Instrument-making", specialty 200102 "Quality Control and Diagnostic Methods and instruments and 220501 "Quality Control and Diagnostic Methods and instruments" and 220501 "Quality Managemen National research Tomsk polytechnic university. Tomsk, 2010.
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- Svinolupov U., Kornev V., Kuleshov V. A Methodology for assessing the quality of measuring instruments (case study: pressure sensors) Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2012. Т. 48. № 2. С. 129-136