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16 февраля 2025 / Sunday / Неделя нечетная
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  1. Berdonosov V.A., Kuleshov V.K., Vyatkin I.V. Defect measuring instrument in the radioscopy direction Дефектоскопия. 1992. № 12. С. 53-55.

  2. Gusev E.A., Luk’yanenko E.A., Chelnokov V.B., Kuleshov V.K., Alkhimov Y.V. The phenomena of blazing and extinguishing of roentgen-luminescence Дефектоскопия. 1992. № 5. С. 62-68.

  3. Аверяскин С.Н., Кандиев Я.З., Кулешов В.К. Самарин С.И., Мамонтов Н.М. . Gas-Discharge Сonverter with Improved Spasial Resolution for Operation with the Вeam of 70 Mev Boun-dary Energy21-th.Intern. congress on High Speed Photongraphy and Photonics. V 2513, р. 668-678, 1994г.

  4. Kandiev Ya.Z., Samarin S.I., Kuleshov V.K. Mamontov N. M. Gas-Discharge Converter with Improved Spasial Resolution for Operation with the Bremsstrahlung Beam of 70 MeV Boun-dary Energy. 21-th.Intern. congress on High Speed Photongraphy and Photonics.V 2513, 1994г.

  5. Berdonosov V.S., Vyatkin I.V., Kuleshov V.K. radiographic control under external radiation background conditions from operationg nuclear owerplant equipment. Дефектоскопия. 1995. № 7. С. 59-61.

  6. Bespalov V.I., Zaitzev A.K., Kuleshov V.K Intrinsic bulur of the radiation converters working with a high energy radiation Defectoscopy. 1988. № 1. С. 71.

  7. Kuleshov V.K., Lapshin B.M., Oglezneva L.A. Use of spectral-correlation analysis in acoustic-emission inspection of pig launchers-receivers of oil main pipelines Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2005. Т. 41. № 8. С. 498-501

  8. Yury V. Alkhimov ,Yong Deak Kim, Valeriy K. Kulishov Television System for Recording Impulse Images in a Visual and Ultraviolet Pert of a Spectrum for the Purposes of Medical Fiagnostics. Signals and Devices: in Proceedings of Third IEEE International Conference on Systems, Sousse, Tunisa, 2005

  9. Yury V. Alkhimov., Valeriy K. Kulishov High-Sensitive X-Ray Detectors Using Gas Discharge with Extreme Dense Structure for amplification and Visualization of X-Ray Images. Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC 2005), Puerto Rico, USA, 2005

  10. Yury V. Alkhimov, Valeriy K. Kulishov The Mosaic Detector of X-Ray on The basis of Gas-Discharge Converters Information Technology: in Proceedings of 2-nd International Conference on, Suwon, Rep. Of Korea,2005

  11. Chakhlov V.L., Lisin V.A., Musabayeva L.I., Kuleshov V.K. Applicatin of Betatrons with Extracted Beam for Therapy Tomsk Region and Taiwan: Experience of Scientific- Technical and Innovation Cooperation: Proc. Siberian-Taiwan Forum - Tomsk, 16-17 September 2009. - Tomsk: ТМЛ-Пресс, 2009 - т. 1. - с. 137-141 (75222408)

  12. P. V. Efimov, V. K. Kuleshov Radiation testing Study Aid for students of High Educational Institutions training in the Preparation Directions 200100 Instrument-making", specialty 200102 "Quality Control and Diagnostic Methods and instruments and 220501 "Quality Control and Diagnostic Methods and instruments" and 220501 "Quality Managemen National research Tomsk polytechnic university. Tomsk, 2010.

  13. Sych T.V., Gerasimov S.I., Kuleshov V.K. Simulation of the propagation of acoustic waves by the finite element method Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2012. Т. 48. № 3. С. 147-152.

  14. Svinolupov U., Kornev V., Kuleshov V. A Methodology for assessing the quality of measuring instruments (case study: pressure sensors) Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2012. Т. 48. № 2. С. 129-136
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