A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, algebraic symbols, or mathematical functions, provided that such arrays are added and multiplied according to certain rules.

Matrices are denoted by upper case letters such as A, B, C, ...

A matrix with m rows and n columns is called an n matrix (pronounce m-by-n matrix).


The element on the i-th row and j-th column of a matrix A is denoted by ai,j. The subscripts indicate the row first and the column second.

A matrix in the general form is written as follows:

A short form of this equality is


The size of the matrix is given by the number of rows and the number of columns.

If both matrices, A and B, are n matrices, then they have the same size.

A matrix with one row is called a row matrix.

For instance, the following one-by-three column matrix

is a row matrix.

A matrix with one column is called a column matrix:

A matrix is called a square matrix if the number of its rows equals the number of the columns.

A square matrix of n-th order is a n matrix.

In a square matrix the elements ai,i, with 123, ..., are called diagonal matrix elements.

A matrix is called a diagonal matrix if all its off-diagonal elements are equal to zero, but at least one of the diagonal elements is nonzero:


1. The diagonal of the following square matrix of the third order

consists of numbers 4, 5, and 9, which are diagonal elements.

2. The matrix

is a diagonal matrix of the third order.

An identity matrix is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are equal to unity.

Usually, identity matrices are denoted by the symbol I. The matrix elements of an identity matrix I are denoted by the symbol which is known as the Kronecker delta symbol.




The delta symbol cancels symmation over one of the symbols in such expressions as

Each of the above sum contains only one nonzero item, e.g.,


All the rest entries are equal to zero, since for any .

For instance, if 3 then , while , and so



Identity matrix of the second order

Identity matrix of the third order

The diagonal subdivides a square matrix into two blocks, one above the diagonal and the other one below it. The matrix has a triangular form, if one of the blocks consists of zeros:

all ai,j=0 for i>j or for i<j


Upper-triangular matrix

Lower-triangular matrix

Given a matrix , the transpose of A is the matrix obtained from A by interchanging its rows and columns. This means that the rows of a matrix A are the columns of the matrix ; and vise versa:



If then .

A square matrix is called symmetric if



The following matrix

is a symmetric matrix, since .

A square matrix is called skew-symmetric if

A matrix is called a zero-matrix (or 0-matrix) if all its elements are equal to zero, that is,

for each pair of indexes {i, j}.

In a short form 0-matrix is written as 0.