Any transposition changes the inversion parity
of a given permutation
It is not difficult to see
that the transposition of neighboring elements, and , changes the inversion parity of a
given permutation.
The transposition of any elements, and , can be expressed as the sequence
of (2k-1)
Really, by k transpositions of the element
with the neighboring element from the
right of . we get the permutation :
Then, by k - 1
transpositions of the element with the neighboring element from the
left of , we get the desired permutation :
Thus, the whole number of the transpositions k+k-1=2k-1
is an odd number, Hence, the theorem.
Given the set , there are n!
different permutations of S |
Consider an arbitrary permutation of S.
The first position can be displaced by any of n
The second position can be displaced by any of the rest n - 1
The third position can be displaced by any of the rest n - 2
elements, and so on.
The n-th position can be displaced by the
rest single element.
Therefore, there are n(n - 1)(n - 2)...1 = n!
ways to get a new permutation of elements of S.