Шаненкова Юлия Леонидовна
Кандидат технических наук

Отделение электроэнергетики и электротехники, Доцент

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- Grant «Iskra-TPU». Project No. 2-482/13.

- Grant of RFBR. Project No.11-08-00608 «Dynamic synthesis of ultradispersed boron nitride in hyperspeed jet of boron-carbon electric-discharge plasma»,

- Grant RFBR "Obtaining ultrafine powder of copper oxide component of a material having high-temperature superconductivity" №14-08-31122

- State assignment: Dynamic synthesis of nanodispersed crystalline phases in gas-plasma systems with carbon and nitrogen No. 7.1659.201.

- Grant AVCP No. 2.1.2/13159

- Grant of RSF № 15-19-00049 "Development of plasma dynamic method based on unique powerful system of materials sputtering for synthesis of multifunctional titanium-based coatings"

Conference diplomas:

- Diploma of I degree for the report "Analysis of the deposited copper coatings on aluminum contact surface, obtained using plasmodynamic method", presented at the XX Jubilee International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Modern technique and technologies", 2014

-III degree diploma at the XIX International scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "the Influence of microgeometry of the surface on the value of the specific contact transition resistance", Tomsk, 2013