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In-service training

2015-2016 – In-service training “Advancing a Moodle course” Tomsk State University, Certificate of Attendance (36 hrs).
2014 – In-service training “Moodle (distance learning system) in the study process”, Tomsk State University, Certificate of Attendance (72 hrs).
2013 – In-service training “Translation didactics”, Moscow State University together with CIUTI (inter­na­tional asso­ci­a­tion of uni­ver­sity insti­tutes with trans­la­tion and inter­pre­ta­tion programs), Certificate of Attendance (72 hrs).
2008 – In-service training “Competence approach in educational programs design”, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Certificate of Attendance (72 hrs).
2002 – Intensive course focusing on current issues in methodology, teacher training and managing innovation at University of Warwick, UK, Certificate of Attendance.
2001 – 2002 Course on dissemination of In-Service Teacher Training – KINSET model, held in Krasnoyarsk, Certificate of Attendance (240 hrs).

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