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27 сентября 2024 / Friday / Неделя четная
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  1. Khlebnikova A.L. (2015) Strictly gender marked metaphors in the Russian language // Communicative aspects of language and culture: Conference information package of XV International Applied Science Conference of students and young researchers. Tomsk, TPU, p. 37-41
  2. Khlebnikova A.L. (2014) Project Method as Part of Competency-Based Approach // Communicative aspects of language and culture: Conference information package of XIV International Applied Science Conference of students and young researchers. Tomsk, TPU, p. 75-80
  3. Khlebnikova A.L. (2013) Developing foreign language competence using case study // Communicative aspects of language and culture: Conference information package of XIV International Applied Science Conference of students and young researchers. Tomsk, TPU, p. 127-131

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