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16 февраля 2025 / Sunday / Неделя нечетная
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Born July 13, 1961 in Tomsk, Tomsk Oblast.

Education: Tomsk State University (1984), specialty "optoelectronic devices".

Scientific degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.13.18 "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs" (2002).

Title: Professor at the Department of Automated TUSUR management system (2006).

Additional Information:

• speaks English spoken language;

• a member of the Dissertation Council D212.268.02 (by specialty 05.13.18 mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs);

• D212.268.01 member of the Dissertation Council (on a specialty 05.11.07 - optical and opto-electronic devices);

• D212.268.05 member of the Dissertation Council (on a specialty 05.13.10 (management of social and economic systems);

• Expert of the Ministry of Education and Science (№01-05445 2014);

• works closely with US scientists, Italy, Germany, France, Japan, China and South Korea;

• Principal investigator has the status in JAXA (Space Agency), Japan;

• director and performer in the framework of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant (00-07-90175-in, in-01-07-90163, 04-05-64390-a, 06-05-65010-a, 07-05-00734- a, a-10-05-00907).

• scientific director Grant Federal Program "Research and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2009-2013, on the theme: "Development and implementation of algorithms for encoding video using multiprocessor systems on a chip" (application code "2010-1.1-214-072- 023 "), the State contract №01201061732.

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