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30 июня 2024 / Sunday / Неделя нечетная
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1. and. The executor under the grant of the Federal target program No. from 15.10.2012. "Organizational-technological and methodological support of education quality management in terms of monitoring the certification of teachers in the subjects of the Russian Federation". Conducting master class at the pedagogical workers of the southern Federal district in Volgograd, 2013 as part of the implementation of the project "Organizational-technological and methodological support of education quality management in terms of monitoring the certification of teachers in the subjects of the Russian Federation".

b. Holding I all-Russian scientific-practical conference (21-22 October 2013, Moscow) "Improvement of the quality management system of attestation of pedagogical staff and heads of educational institutions in subjects of the Russian Federation".

2. Developing the proposal and work on the State contract for execution of works monitoring of enforcement of legislation on alternative civil service No. 33-Yur dated 17.05.2013.:

- Monitoring of print media and Runet

- Monitoring the activities of the Committee of soldiers ' mothers, human rights and public organizations

Analysis of the activity of Federal Executive authorities and Executive authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of alternative civil service

Analysis of decisions taken by law enforcement agencies

- the Analysis of judicial practice in the field of alternative civil service

3. Writing applications for the grant "Analysis of practice of realization of the Federal law "On science and state scientific-technical policy" and adopted in accordance with it regulations and to develop guidelines" (stage II)_2. 2014

4. Participation in writing the proposal for the right to conclude the state contract on performance of works on carrying out sociological research for the Federal tax service in 2013, on the theme: "assessment of the quality of work of tax authorities in 2012" by the order of Federal tax service (FTS of Russia).

5. The contractor on the project RGNF research project 15-03-00812 "Youth portrait" of the future: research methodology representations.