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Annotation of the course "Business law"

The purpose of discipline – to determine the nature and purpose of business law, diversity of the normative legal acts regulating social relations in entrepreneurial activities.

The main objectives of the course: to learn the basics of entrepreneurial law, its subject, method and principles, organizational-legal forms of commercial activities; to form an idea of the problems to be solved by science "business law", about the trends of further development of the current legislation; to form the ability to analyze the content and requirements of normative legal acts, work with sources of law and legal academic literature; use of a framework for the drafting of business contracts.

Requirements to results of mastering the discipline. In the result of mastering the discipline "Business law", who study due to specialty "Jurisprudence": to know the theoretical foundations of business law of the Russian Federation; the concept of entrepreneurial law, system of sources and its place in the Russian legal system; a system of business laws and basic normative-legal acts; the subjective element of entrepreneurial activity and characteristics of the basic organizational-legal forms (individual entrepreneurs, companies, cooperatives, unitary enterprises, holdings, etc.); legal forms and directions of state regulation and the impact on entrepreneurial activity; principal business activity (banking, trade, investment, audit, valuation, foreign trade, etc.) and accounting (accounting, tax, statistical), development prospects of the industry; to be able to operate legal concepts and categories of business law; analyze legal facts and arising in connection with them of the business relationship; to analyze, interpret and correctly apply the norms of entrepreneurial law, to determine the relationship between them; analyze and solve legal problems in the field of business law; to properly prepare and process legal documents; have special legal terminology of the industry business law; skills of independent work with normative acts, judicial acts, constituent documents of legal entities, the texts of treaties; the skills of application of business law in solving practical problems