Ивашутенко Александр Сергеевич
Кандидат технических наук

Инженерная школа энергетики, Заместитель директора по развитию
Отделение электроэнергетики и электротехники, Доцент

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27 сентября 2024 / Friday / Неделя четная
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Список публикаций

Количество записей: 193

  1. Plasma dynamic synthesis of iron oxides in a discharge plasma jet with possibility to control final phase composition / I. I. Shanenkov [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 830 : Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects 2016. — [012116, 6 p.]. — URL:

  2. Plasma dynamic synthesis of ultradispersed zinc oxide and sintering ceramics on its basis by SPS method / Yu. L. Shanenkova [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 830 : Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects 2016. — [012117, 6 p.]. — URL:

  3. Synthesis of silicon carbide nanopowders in free flowing plasma jet with different energy levels / D. S. Nikitin [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2017. — Vol. 830 : Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects 2016. — [012120, 5 p.]. — URL:

  4. Nikulina, A. A. Features of heterophase structure formation at spark plasma sintering of high-carbon and chromium-nickel steels / A. A. Nikulina, A. I. Smirnov, A. S. Ivashutenko // Materials Characterization. — 2017. — Vol. 129. — [P. 252–259]. — URL:

  5. Obtaining Intermetallic Compound Copper-Tin: Plasma Dynamic Synthesis and Spark Plasma Sintering / A. A. Sivkov [et al.] // Key Engineering Materials : Scientific Journal. — 2017. — Vol. 743 : High Technology: Research and Applications (HTRA 2016). — [P. 25-30]. — URL:

  6. Creating a Varistor Based on Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Powder Obtained by Plasma Dynamic Method / K. Firsov [et al.] // Key Engineering Materials : Scientific Journal. — 2017. — Vol. 743 : High Technology: Research and Applications (HTRA 2016). — [P. 95-98]. — URL:

  7. [Shanenkov, I. I.]( Influence of Oxygen Concentration on Plasma Dynamic Synthesis Product in Fe-O System / I. I. Shanenkov, A. A. Sivkov, A. S. Ivashutenko // Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса. — URL:

  8. Влияние концентрации кислорода в газообразной смеси с аргоном на фазовый состав продуктов плазмодинамического синтеза в системе «железо — кислород» / А. А. Сивков [и др.] // Российские нанотехнологии. — 2017. — Т. 12, № 7-8. — [С. 25-32]. — URL:

  9. Фактор выдержки времени при постоянной температуре в процессе искрового плазменного спекания / А. А. Сивков [и др.] // Российские нанотехнологии. — 2017. — Т. 12, № 9-10. — [С. 75-80]. — URL:

  10. Synthesis of silicon carbide nanopowders in free flowing plasma jet with different energy levels / D. S. Nikitin [et al.] // Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2016) : International Congress, October 2–7, 2016, Tomsk, Russia / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) ; eds. B. M. Kovalchuk [et al.]. — 2016. — Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2016). — [P. 352]. — URL:

  11. Tic-based coatings deposition using electric discharged plasma / I. A. Rakhmatullin [et al.] // Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2016) : International Congress, October 2–7, 2016, Tomsk, Russia / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) ; eds. B. M. Kovalchuk [et al.]. — 2016. — Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2016). — [P. 325]. — URL:

  12. Plasma dynamic synthesis of ultradispersed zinc oxide and sintering ceramics on its basis by sps method / Yu. L. Shanenkova [et al.] // Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2016) : International Congress, October 2–7, 2016, Tomsk, Russia / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) ; eds. B. M. Kovalchuk [et al.]. — 2016. — Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2016). — [P. 344]. — URL:

  13. Plasma dynamic synthesis of iron oxides in a discharge plasma jet with possibility to control final phase composition / I. I. Shanenkov [at al.] // Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2016) : International Congress, October 2–7, 2016, Tomsk, Russia / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) ; eds. B. M. Kovalchuk [et al.]. — 2016. — Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2016). — [P. 343]. — URL:

  14. Investigation of ceramics based on Cu-Sn powder, obtained by plasma dynamic method / Yu. L. Shanenkova, A. A. Sivkov, A. S. Ivashutenko {et al.] // Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2016) : International Congress, October 2–7, 2016, Tomsk, Russia / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) ; eds. B. M. Kovalchuk [et al.]. — 2016. — Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2016). — [P. 287]. — URL:

  15. [Ivashutenko, A. S.]( Microstructure and Properties of the Composite on the Basis of Copper and Diamond / A. S. Ivashutenko, N. V. Martyushev, Yu. Yu. Drozdov // Key Engineering Materials : Scientific Journal. — 2016. — Vol. 685 : High Technology: Research and Applications 2015 (HTRA 2015). — [P. 607-610]. — URL:

  16. Production of Powders by the Method of Electrospark Dispersion / S. P. Zhuravkov, Ya. I. Kornev, A. S. Ivashutenko, N. V. Martyushev // Key Engineering Materials : Scientific Journal. — 2016. — Vol. 685 : High Technology: Research and Applications 2015 (HTRA 2015). — [P. 710-714]. — URL:

  17. Sintering of zirconia ceramics using microwave and spark heating techniques / A. S. Ivashutenko [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 110 : Radiation-Thermal Effects and Processes in Inorganic Materials (RTEP2015). — [012105, 4 p.]. — URL:

  18. Plasma dynamic synthesis and obtaining ultrafine powders of iron oxides with high content of e-Fe[2]O[3] / A. A. Sivkov [et al.] // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. — 2016. — Vol. 405. — [P. 158-168]. — URL:

  19. Temperature evaluation of a hyper-rapid plasma jet by the method of high-speed video recording / A. E. Rif [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 124 : Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Systems (MEACS2015). — [012001, 5 p.]. — URL:

  20. Akarachkin, S. A. Activation of mass transfer processes at spark plasma sintering of zirconium dioxide / S. A. Akarachkin, A. S. Ivashutenko, N. V. Martyushev // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 124 : Mechanical Engineering, Automation and Control Systems (MEACS2015). — [012042, 7 p.]. — URL:

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