Публикаций в рецензируемых изданияx: Совместно с соавторами опубликовано 35 статей в изданиях, входящих в перечень ВАК, в том числе 11 статей с импакт-фактором >1 (Physics of Plasmas, Laser and Particle Beams, Surface and Coating Technology, Review of Scientific Instruments) и монография (при поддержке РФФИ). Список выборочных публикаций в журналах с ИФ>1: 1. Pushkarev A.I., Isakova Yu.I. A gigawatt power pulsed ion beam generator for industrial application // Surface & Coatings Technology 228 S382–S384 (2013); 2. Y. I. Isakova, A. I. Pushkarev, and I. P. Khaylov. The energy transfer in the TEMP-4M pulsed ion beam accelerator// Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84, 073302 (2013); 3. Pushkarev A.I., Isakova J.I., Saltimakov M.S. and Sazonov R.V. Investigation of magnetically self-insulated effect in an ion diode with an explosive emission potential electrode // Physics of Plasmas 17, 013104 (2010); 4. Pushkarev A.I., Isakova Y.I., Vahrushev D.V. The effect of ion current density amplification in a diode with passive anode in magnetic self-isolation mode //Physics of Plasmas 17, № 12, 123112 (2010; 5. Pushkarev A.I., Isakova Yu.I., Guselnikov V.I. Limitation of the electron emission in an ion diode with magnetic self-insulation // Phys. Plasmas 18, 083109 (2011); 6. Isakova Y.I. Diagnostic Equipment for the TEMP-4M Generator of High-current Pulsed Ion Beams // Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol. 59, No. 6, December 2012, pp. 3531-3535; 7. Isakova Y.I., Pushkarev A.I., Khaylov I.P. Statistical analysis of the ion beam production in a self magneticaly insulated diode // Phys. Plasmas 20, 093105 (2013); 8. Pushkarev A.I., Isakova Yu.I. A spiral self-magnetically insulated ion diode // Laser and Particle Beams, 2012, volume 30, issue 03, pp. 427-433; 9. Pushkarev A.I., Isakova Y.I. Сlosed electron drift in a self-magnetically insulated ion diode // Phys. Plasmas 20, 053101 (2013; 10. I. Pushkarev, Y. I. Isakova, I. P. Khaylov The influence of a shield on intense ion beam transportation // Laser and Particle Beams. - 2013 - Vol. 31. - Issue 3. - p. 493-50; 11. I. Pushkarev, Y. I. Isakova, Y.Xiao, I. P Khaylov. Characterization of intense ion beam energy density and beam induced pressure on the target with acoustic diagnostics // Review of Scientific Instruments. - 2013 - Vol. 84. - Issue 8, Article number 083304. - p. 1-6.