Розанова Яна Викторовна

Отделение иностранных языков, Специалист по учебно-методической работе (отпуск)
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06 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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English for Chemical Engineers: Polymers

Project Work Topics

  • Problem of import of the paint and varnish industry in Russia.
  • Adhesive choice problem.
  • Types of paints and their safe application.
  • Strong plastics creation.
  • Modern application of water dispersion paints.
  • Polymeric materials shock strength enhancement.
  • Difficult-to-combust materials making process (not emitting hazardous substances).
  • Increase of properties and dimensional stability of details obtained from polymeric materials in continuous service\ use (including stress)
  • Diversification of thermoplastic elastomers.
  • Low-density polymers development for large scale building constructions.
  • New biodegradable polymers development.
  • Efficient utilization\use of polymeric materials wastes.
  • Russian polymeric materials export problem.
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