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27 сентября 2024 / Friday / Неделя четная
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Количество записей: 97

  1. In situ nanopowder combustion visualization using laser systems with brightness amplification / Li Lin, A. V. Mostovshchikov, A. P. Ilyin [et al.] // Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. — 2021. — Vol. 38, iss. 1. — [P. 1695-1702]. — URL:

  2. Preparation and properties of composite material based on hafnium diboride and aluminumˆ / S. A. Belyakovich, A. V. Mostovshchikov, A. P. Ilyin, F. A. Gubarev // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2021. — Vol. 1019 : 14th International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST 2019). — [012015, 7 p.]. — URL:

  3. Study of aluminium nanopowder combustion by method of laser-speckle correlation / Li Lin, A. V. Mostovshchikov, A. P. Ilyin, F. A. Gubarev // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2021. — Vol. 1019 : 14th International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST 2019). — [012061, 6 p.]. — URL:

  4. Two-Channel System With Brightness Amplification for Monitoring the Combustion of Aluminum-Based Nanopowders / F. A. Gubarev, E. Yu. Burkin, A. V. Mostovshchikov [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. — 2021. — Vol. 70. — [4503409, 9 p.]. — URL:

  5. A Laser Monitor with Independent Lighting and Brightness Amplification for Imaging High-Temperature Combustion of Metal Nanopowders / F. A. Gubarev, A. V. Mostovshchikov, A. P. Ilyin [et al.] // Technical Physics Letters. — 2021. — Vol. 47, iss. 5. — [P. 372-376]. — URL:

  6. A Two-Channel Laser Monitor for Observing Processes of High-Temperature Combustion of Metal Nanopowders / F. A. Gubarev, A. V. Mostovshchikov, A. P. Ilyin [et al.] // Technical Physics Letters. — 2021. — Vol. 47, iss. 4. — [P. 344-347]. — URL:

  7. Imaging system with brightness amplification for a metal-nanopowder-combustion study / Li Lin, A. V. Mostovshchikov, A. P. Ilyin [et al.] // Journal of Applied Physics. — 2020. — Vol. 127. — [194503, 12 p.]. — URL:

  8. An Optical System with Brightness Amplification for Studying the Surface of Metal Nanopowders during Combustion / F. A. Gubarev, S. Kim, Li Lin [et al.] // Instruments and Experimental Techniques. — 2020. — Vol. 63, iss. 3. — [P. 375-382]. — URL:

  9. Optical System With Brightness Amplification for Monitoring the Combustion of Aluminum-Based Nanopowders / Li Lin, A. V. Mostovshchikov, A. P. Ilyin [et al.] // IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. — 2020. — Vol. 69, iss. 2. — [P. 457-468]. — URL:

  10. High-speed visualization of aluminum nanopowder combustion in air / F. A. Gubarev [et al.] // Proceedings of SPIE. — 2019. — Vol. 11066 : Saratov Fall Meeting 2018: Laser Physics, Photonic Technologies, and Molecular Modeling. — [1106610, 4 p.]. — , . — URL:

  11. Heat release in chemical reaction between micron aluminum powders and water / A. P. Ilyin [et al.] // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. — 2019. — Vol. 44, iss. 52. — [P. 28096-28103]. — URL:

  12. Incomplete Bessel Polynomials: A New Class of Special Polynomials for Electromagnetics / Li Lin, P. A. Antipov, A. V. Mostovshchikov [et al.] // Progress In Electromagnetics Research M. — 2019. — Vol. 84. — [P. 85-93]. — URL:

  13. Trace Impurities Analysis of Aluminum Nanopowder and Its Air Combustion Product / D. V. Kabanov [et al.] // AIP Conference Proceedings. — 2018. — Vol. 1938 : Isotopes: Technologies, Materials and Application (ITMA-2017). — [020007, 5 p.]. — URL:

  14. [Mostovshchikov, A. V.]( Effect of electron beam irradiation on the thermal properties of the aluminum nanopowder / A. V. Mostovshchikov, A. P. Ilyin, I. S. Egorov // Radiation Physics and Chemistry : Scientific Journal . — 2018. — Vol. 153. — [P. 156–158]. — URL:

  15. Influence of Microwave and Electron Beam Irradiation on Composition of Aluminum Nanopowder / A. V. Mostovshchikov [et al.] // Key Engineering Materials : Scientific Journal. — 2018. — Vol. 769 : High Technology: Research and Applications (HTRA 2017). — [90-95]. — URL:

  16. Measuring the Changes in Copper Nanopowder Conductivity during Heating as a Method for Diagnosing its Thermal Stability / A. V. Mostovshchikov [et al.] // Key Engineering Materials : Scientific Journal. — 2018. — Vol. 769 : High Technology: Research and Applications (HTRA 2017). — [146-151]. — URL:

  17. [Ilyin, A. P.]( Parameters of Aluminum Nanopowders Activity after Long-Term Storage in an Airtight Container / A. P. Ilyin, D. V. Tikhonov, A. V. Mostovshchikov // Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics. — 2018. — Vol. 43, iss. 8. — [P. 749-753]. — URL:

  18. High-Speed Visualization of Nanopowder Combustion in Air / F. A. Gubarev [et al.] // Optica Pura y Aplicada. — 2018. — Vol. 51, iss. 4. — [7 p. ]. — URL:

  19. Monitoring of Nanopowder Combustion Ignited by Laser Radiation / Li Lin [et al.] // Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса. — URL:

  20. Effect of Microwave Radiation on the Thermal Properties of the Electroexplosive Copper Nanopowder / A. V. Mostovshchikov [et al.] // Режим доступа: по договору с организацией-держателем ресурса. — URL:

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