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31 января 2025 / Friday / Неделя четная
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  • Theoretical foundations of resource-saving and safe technology of the operation of heterogeneous and liquid phase catalysts in a closed loop: the working cycle – regeneration – working cycle. 52 articles were published (in the journals: “Chemical Engineering Journal”, “Izvestiya Vysshih Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Physics”, “Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University” and others), the main of which are given in section 2.9., as well as in monographs. More than 30 results of intellectual activities were registered. 15 PhD theses were defended, and in 2012 a doctoral dissertation was defended – E.N. Ivashkina (scientific adviser Ivanchina E.D.). For basic research in this direction the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the state support of leading scientific schools of the Russian Federation was received.
  • The physical-chemical predictive mathematical models of processes of operation and regeneration of heterogeneous and liquid-phase catalysts for processing of naphtha and diesel fractions. More than 30 articles were published in leading specialized Russian and foreign journals. Predictive models and approach were registered as the results of intellectual activity.
  • The mathematical models were formulated and methods for solving problems of conjugated processes of operation and regeneration of heterogeneous and liquid phase catalysts in the unsteady conditions were developed. The results were published in articles presented in p. 2.9, as well as in such journals as “Petroleum Refining and Petroleum Chemistry”, “Catalysis in Industry”, “The World of Petroleum Products”, “Petroleum Chemistry”.
  • The laws of the process of reforming in the optimal area, which corresponds to the thermodynamic equilibrium of the reaction system, when there is equality of the rates of formation and hydrogenation of intermediate products of condensation, as at this the feedstock cycle duration can be increased by 20-30%. Herewith taken into account the degree of use of the fixed granular bed of catalyst in the reactor and the reactions of coke formation in the modelling of unsteady process of naphtha reforming makes it possible to carry out the selection of catalysts for industrial reactors with radial input of raw materials to improve the efficiency of their work and choose the optimal design of the reactor unit, taking into account the effect of the flow structure on the proposed criterion of effectiveness (PhD thesis of Sharova E.S., articles published in the journals “Catalysis in Industry”, “ Petroleum Refining and Petroleum Chemistry”).
  • A method for increasing the efficiency of petrochemical process with continuous catalyst regeneration, based on the use of unsteady model, which takes into account the formation of coke, the value of circulation ratio along the loop of the reactor – regenerator, which is new, and allowed carrying out the industrial implementation of an optimal construction and modes of operation of reactors with fixed and moving bed reactors (PhD thesis of Abramin A.L., Gingazova M.S., articles in journals “Chemical Engineering Journal”, “Catalysis in Industry”, “Petroleum Refining and Petroleum Chemistry”).
  • As the results of experimental studies of samples of industrial platinum catalysts for reforming, isomerization, dehydrogenation the mechanism and laws of coke formation were studied. In the context of these processes an amorphous coke forms (burnout temperature is 450-550 °C). The coke content on the catalyst is 4-16%, depending on the feed composition and process conditions. The specific surface area of the catalyst is significantly reduced as a result of a large number of regenerations. By predictive calculations on a mathematical model it was shown and experimentally confirmed that the water supply by increasing portions the catalyst service life increases by an average of 15%, and the rate of temperature rise is by 2 °C lower, which indicates a weakening of deactivation processes due to more complete conversion of amorphous coke-generating structures. Developed and certified programs of calculation of technological parameters of industrial processes have been applied when calculating the optimal operating conditions of industrial plants and in the educational process (PhD theses of Frantsina E.V., Romanovsky R.V. Dolganov I.M.), articles in journals indexed in international databases “Chemical Engineering Journal”, “Catalysis in Industry”).
  • The conducted studies revealed that with existing technologies of tubular and pneumatic loading of catalyst in industrial reactors of naphtha catalytic reforming and isomerization having high unit power (~ 1 mln. tonnes per year) hydrodynamic unevenness of feedstock supply over the cross section of the apparatus can reach 5 to 15 % which objectively leads to a local overheating and the formation of an excess of coke on the surface of Pt-contact and a rapid drop in its activity and stiffening of the regeneration process. Multifactor problems of optimization of operation regime parameters with a hydrodynamic unevenness of flow pattern in the reactor is only possible using the method of mathematical modelling based on the accounting the reactivity of hydrocarbons and catalyst activity (PhD thesis of Molotov K.V., articles in journals “Petroleum Refining and Petroleum Chemistry” and others listed above).
2011 © Томский политехнический университет
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