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27 декабря 2024 / Friday / Неделя нечетная
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Date of Birth: 28.01.1951.
Place of birth: Tomsk  
Education: Physics - Technical Department of Tomsk University
1967 - 1973 – Tomsk University, Physical Technical faculty, ballistic specialty.
1978 – today – National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Institute of Natural Resources, Department of Chemical Technology of Fuel and Chemical Cybernetics.

Work experience:
1983 – 1986 – Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, Chemical Engineering faculty, Department of Chemical Technology of Fuel, junior research, senior staff scientist;
1987 – 2003 – National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Institute of Natural Resources, Department of Chemical Technology of Fuel and Chemical Cybernetics (currently professor),
2003– today – National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, scientific Department, educational and methodical work specialist.

Major research interests:      
Catalyst, naphtha reforming, modelling, activity, industrial reactor, oil refining, system analysis, optimization, prognosis, deactivation, modelling system
Ivanchina E.D. is working as a full-time professor at the Tomsk Polytechnic University, as a professor from 2002 to prepare and deliver lectures "System analysis of chemical-technological processes" (bachelor, 241000 “Energy and resource saving processes in chemical engineering, petrochemical and biotechnology”), "Computer modeling systems in chemical technology "(Masters 241000 “Energy and resource saving processes in chemical engineering, petrochemical and biotechnology”), "Optimization of Energy Saving and organizing systems in chemical technology" (Masters 241000 “Energy and resource saving processes in chemical engineering, petrochemical and biotechnology”), "Computing in Chemical Technology" (undergraduate, 240100 “Chemical technology”). During the activity there were 14 candidates and 1 doctor of sciences prepared, including the last 3 years 7 candidates and 1 doctor of sciences were prepared.

Contact Information 
634050, Russia, Tomsk, Lenin Avenue, 30
Tel.:  903 955 24 57

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