Example questions for the exam on Software engineering
- Software lifecycle: waterfall, incremental, spiral, rapid, agile development.
- What is a model? What is modelling, software modelling?
- Define UML. What UML diagrams are used for software modelling?
- Use case diagram. Purpose. Definitions of actor, use case.
- Define class, object, attribute, operation, class state, class behavior.
- What makes a good class? Class responsibilities, cohesion, coupling.
- Class diagram. Purpose, contents, types of relations between classes.
- Interaction diagrams, purpose. Sequence diagram.
- Statechart diagrams. Transitions between states. Draw an example.
Events, guard conditions, actions.
- Define testing and debugging. What can be tested?
Automated and manual testing. Unit testing, integration testing.
- Explain the MVC (model-view-controller) pattern.
- Explain the SOA (service-oriented architecture) pattern.