The grants for the past three years: 1. Grant from the Russian Humanities Research Foundation ‘Vliyanie vneshnei migratsii na sistemu sotsial'no-trudovykh otnoshenii v Rossii’ [Effect of external migration on the system of social and labour relationships in Russia]. Project N 11-32-00305а2, 2011–2013. 2. Grant from the Russian Humanities Research Foundation ‘Obespechenie dostupnosti vysshego obrazovaniya i povyshenie ego kachestva v usloviyakh innovatsionnykh preobrazovanii v Rossii’ [Availability of higher education and its quality improvement under innovative reconstructions in Russia]. Project N 14-32-01043а1, 2014–2016. 3. RF Resulution 220 ‘Otsenka i uluchshenie sotsial'nogo, ekonomicheskogo i emotsional'nogo blagopoluchiya pozhilykh lyudei’ [Evaluation and enhancement of social, economic and emotional wellbeing of older adults], Agreement N 14.Z50.31.0029, 2014–2016.