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19 февраля 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя нечетная
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During the work prepared lectures, practical and laboratory works on disciplines: 1. Computational Mathematics and Programming. 2.Teoriya probability and mathematical statistics. 3. Systems analysis of experimental data. 4. Systems of digital signal processing. 5. Banks and database. 6. Expert systems and knowledge bases. 7. Decision theory, 8. The methods and data processing systems, 9. Technology data analysis. Discipline, visited in the fall semester 2009-2010 academic. Year: 1. Information for the Global Fund. 2. Methods and data processing systems for engineers cafes. IPS. 3. Decision theory for external students AVTF. 4. Information for external students GF. Discipline, visited in the spring semester 2009-2010 academic. Year: 1. Decision theory to 4 - year student AVTF. 2. Methods and data processing systems undergraduates cafes. Information retrieval system 3. Data Analysis Technology for graduate cafes. IPS. 4. The theory of decision-making for external students AVTF.
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