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Grigorieva Marina Victorovna was born in a small village called Small Kunalei of the Buryat ASSR.
She attended the village school from 1970 to 1980, took an active part in the social life of the school, has repeatedly won prizes in school and regional Olympiads on mathematics.
She enrolled in the Tomsk University of Automated Control Systems and Radioelectronics in 1980 .

She successfully graduated from this University on a specialty "Automation and Mechanization of Processes of Processing and Retrieving Information".

After graduation from 1985 to 1992 she worked as a programmer at Research Institute of Automation and Electromechanics, then in Cybernetic Center of TPU, where he participated in the development of software products for enterprises of oil and gas complex of Western Siberia.
Since 1992 she works at the Department of automated systems of Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, teaches discipline "basics of algorithms and programming languages", "Accounting", "Information systems in accounting", "Information system audit", directs educational practices first-year students. The last few years, Grigoryeva M. V. directs externship students specialty "Applied Informatics in Economics", more than 100 works were carried out under her supervision.

01.11.2007 dissertation Council of Tomsk University of Automated Control Systems and Radioelectronics awarded Grigorieva M. V. scientific degree of candidate of technical Sciences, which was approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation 14.03.2008. She was awarded the title of associate Professor in the Department of Automated Control Systems of Tomsk University of Automated Control Systems and Radioelectronics 4 February 2013 .

Over the last 5 years Grigorieva M. V. has published 8 scientific papers, published 5 guides on various academic discipline, including one manual with the stamp of the Siberian regional training methodical center of higher education.

Grigorieva M. V. in the Tomsk University participated in the development of the basic educational program (PLO) in the direction of preparation of bachelors 230700.62 "Applied Informatics", the PLO in the direction of preparation of masters 230100.68 "Informatics and computer technology" "Mathematical and software support of computer systems and computer networks", master's programme in field of study 09.04.01 "computer science" "Software of computers, systems and computer networks".

Since 2009 assistant Professor at the Department of Information Systems of Yurga Institute of Ttechnology TPU. During this period he mastered the following disciplines:

1) “Development and standardization of software and information technologies»;

2) «Development of a software application»;

3) "Information system";

4) "Management information systems";

5) "Information systems in accounting and audit";

6) "The basics of industrial economic practices".

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