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Vladimir P.Grigoriev, Doctor of Science and Professor, was born in 1941.
In 1963 graduated from Tomsk State University, Faculty of Physics, and got qualification inTheoretical Physics.
In 1963-1966 he took up postgraduate studies in nuclear physics and accelerators at Tomsk Polytechnic University.
From 1966 to 1997 he worked in the Research Institute of Nuclear Physics at TPU first as a junior researcher, then, following the defense of PhD thesis in 1967, he was assigned a senior research fellow.
Since 1986In 1997 he worked as professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics, TPU. He has worked at TPU for more than 40 years, published 260 papers both in Russian and foreign journals (160 after the defense of PhD thesis), 8 invention applications.
Vladimir P.Grigorievis actively engaged in trainingscientists, postgraduates and masters. He advised 8 candidates of science and 2 doctors.
His main research activity involves mathematical modelling of processes occurring when powerful charged particle beams interact with electromagnetic fields in different environments. He works with foreign scientists from different countries including China, France and Japan.