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Born in 1984 in the city of Kurgan. In 2001 she enrolled at the TUSUR on specialty "applied Informatics in Economics". She graduated in 2006. In addition, she graduated from the specialty "Software of computers and automated systems". In 2009, she enrolled in graduate school.
Since 2009, she works at the Department of control systems at TUSUR. 5 March 2009 defended the dissertation, specialty 05.13.18 "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes". The theme is "Algorithms and software for solving problems in the simulation of objects of applied Economics.
In 2009-2012 she worked as an engineer in the company Kontek-soft, in 2012-2013 – the company "Russian CAD”.

Since 2014, she works at the Department of information systems at UTI TPU.

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