After defending his doctoral thesis in 2008 on "Lasers vapor metal halide pumped capacitive discharge", which proposed a new method of excitation of active media of metal vapor, Gubarev FA I began to work towards the development of optical systems with brightness amplification based on the copper bromide gain medium. progress in the technique of vapor lasers metal halidesAchieved the scientific staff of the department of industrial and Tomsk Polytechnic University and medical electronics laboratory of quantum and optical electronics Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS brought them out, along with lasers on pairs of pure metals, at the level of practical implementation. During the last 5 years, a range of studies on the active media in the metal halide vapor, pumping circuits, optical systems for imaging systems. Gubarev FA received a record value of the lasing parameters of a copper bromide: the average power of 12 W at the pumping capacitive discharge pulse repetition frequency of 400 kHz, the duration of the laser pulse 320 is not. The most significant result in terms of practical use is to create layouts with the ability to monitor the laser imaging in each pulse super- radiance brightness amplifier. This technique gives significant improvement in the information content of the images. The logical conclusion of a series of works was the creation in 2012-2013, the compact laser monitor (work was supported by a grant from the President of the Russian Federation). With a layout designed experiments on the visualization process SHS, which is used to produce new materials, the possibility of the use of laser to monitor surveillance plazmoindutsirovannyh processes (direct current arc, corona discharge) and biological objects in the high-frequency electric field exposure. Currently, under the leadership of FA Gubarev work is underway on the application of speckle correlation of digital images, enabling you to get information about how to move an object using a sequence of video frames reflected from an object light. The algorithm in the environment Mathlab, allowing to determine the correlation of speckle patterns image. The influence of the size of the window, taken in the calculation, and the initial parameters of the signal to a decoding accuracy. At present, the developed method can be applied to study the movement of biological objects.