04 декабря 2024 / Wednesday / Неделя четная
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  1. Glazyrina E.D., Efremova O.N., Pakhomova E.G. Mathematics study guide as a tool for international student academic adaptation at university. Contemporary issues of science and education, № 6, 2013. URL:

  2. Efremova O.N., Glazyrina E.D., Podberezina E.I. Specificity of teaching mathematics to international students of preparatory division. Contemporary issues of science and education, № 2, 2014. URL:

  3. Glazyrina E.D., Efremova O.N., Nguyen H.N. Teaching methods to enhance international students training at the Russian university. Modern problems of science and education, № 3, 2014. URL:

  4. Efremova O.N., Glazyrina E.D., Nguyen H.N. Training activity organisation for international trainees of pre-university course. Contemporary issues of science and education, № 3, 2014. URL:

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