Барановский Николай Викторович
Кандидат физико-математических наук

Научно-образовательный центр И.Н.Бутакова, Доцент
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Nikolay Viktorovich Baranovskiy was born on April, 13th, 1978 in Tomsk (Russia). He is entered on the faculty of mechanics and mathematics of Tomsk state university in 1995. In 2000 has graduated from the university and has entered in postgraduate study. Since 2005 worked as younger research assistant at Scientific research institute of applied mathematics and mechanics. In 2007 has presented the Ph. D. dissertation on a theme «Mathematical modelling of the most probable scenarios and conditions of forest fires occurrence». Since 2011 on the present time he work at Power engineering institute of Natioanl research Tomsk polytechnic university as the Associate professor.