Kinematics Physical reality and its modelling (materal point) Velocity for an arbitrary motion Acceleration for an arbitrary motion Types of acceleration Reconstructing motion equation from the velocity vector Reconstructing motion equation from the acceleration vector Galilean transformations Dynamics Newton Laws. Types of forces in point mechanics The system of interacting particles. Centre of mass. Theorem on the motion of the centre of mass. Motion of a body with variable mass. Tsiolkovsky equation. Conservation of linear momentum Description of the rigid body motion: rectilinear motion, rotational motion. Projections of angular and force momentums on axis of rotation The Basic Law of a rigid body rotational dynamics in differential form. Law of conservation of angular momentum. Moment of inertia of a rigid body. Huygens-Steiner theorem. Work and energy Work. Kinetic energy theorem. Potential fields (definition, properties, nabla operator). Potential energy. Kinetic energy theorem. Energy conservation law. Collision of point particles. Perfectly-inelastic collision. Perfectly-elastic collision, central, non central. Kepler laws. Relativistic mechanics (spetial theory of relativity - SRT) Basic principals of SRT. Clock synchronization in SRT Time intervals in different inerial reference frames. Length of a segment in SRT Lorentz transformations.