Biography: - Date of birth: 16.03.1986
- Place of birth: Tomsk, Tomsk region, Russia
Education: - 2013 to the present day – Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, Studying in the PhD Department in the field of “Process and apparatures of Chemical engineering”
- 2011 – Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, Candidate in Technical Science in the fields of “Process and apparatures of Chemical engineering” and “Petrochemistry”
- 2008 – Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia, Engineer in the field of “Chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials”, graduated with honors
Skills improvement: - 2014 – Internship at the University of Delft (Delft, The Netherlands)
- 2014 – Internship at the Institute of Catalysis, SB RAS Novosibirsk in «Refining: catalysts and hydroprocessing»
- 2012 – Internship at the University of Southampton (city Southampton, UK) under the program «Teaching and learning in higher education through English»
- 2012 – Courses on the program «Formation and development of managerial skills»
- 2012 – Courses on the program «Implementation of the professional activities of foreign language means»
- 2011 – Сourses in English for teachers of technical and language specialties
- 2010 – Education program «Teacher of Higher Education»
Honors: - Certificate of the President Plenipotentiary in the Siberian Federal District for the conscientious work, professionalism (2016);
- Diploma of TPU for long-term fruitful work (2016);
- Diploma of Foundation of the National System of scientific, creative and innovative activities of Russian Youth «Integration» for his significant contribution to the conservation and replenishment of the intellectual potential of the state (2015);
- Silver Sign Tomsk Oblast Administration for professionalism and high academic achievement (2014);
- Certificate of entering in the Gallery of Honor TPU for high achievements in academic and scientific activities (2014);
- Diploma for the work «Intelligent systems in the oil refining and petrochemical industry» in the competition «Best R&D - 2012" in the nomination "The cycle of works" (2012);
- Diploma of the Winner of the contest "The best resource efficiency in the development of educational programs" (2012);
- Diploma of the Winner of the Tomsk region in the field of education, science, health and culture in the category "Young Scientists" (2011);
- Diploma of the winner of the contest "Best graduate student TPU" (2011);
- Diploma of the winner of the contest "National Pride of Russia" (2011);
- Diploma of the winner of the contest Interuniversity research projects in the field of "Environmental management and deep bedding of natural resources" (2010);
- Award of the President to support talented young people (2009);
- Diploma of the winner of the contest "The best student of TPU" (2008).