Беляускене Евгения Александровна

Отделение автоматизации и робототехники, Старший преподаватель
Отделение математики и математической физики, Старший преподаватель

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08 января 2025 / Wednesday / Неделя нечетная
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Research interests: Mathematical modeling, differential equations, dynamical systems, control theory. My research uses mathematical models of meteorological data assimilation to analyse and prognose meteorological fields . Additionally, I work in collaboration with scientists in a variety of fields such as electrical engineering, renewable energy etc. to apply mathematical methods to answer scientific research questions

  1. E.T. Ivlev, E.A. Moldovanova Differentiable Mappings of Affine Spaces into Manifolds of m-Planes in a Multidimensional Euclidean Space // Russian Mathematics (Iz. VUZ). - 2009, Vol. 53, № 11, pp.20-36
  2. Lasukov V. V. , Lasukova T. V. , Moldovanova E. A. , Novoselov V. V. Spontaneous Radiation and Quantum Dynamics of Biological Plasma // Advanced Materials Research. - 2015 - Vol. 1085. - p. 168-172