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06 октября 2024 / Sunday / Неделя четная
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Manuscripts in Refereed Journals

Cherepanova N.V. Business ethics in Russia in connection with national values. Siberian Journal of Science. № 1 (7) (2013): 163-167. URL: http://sjs.tpu.ru/journal/article/view/621 (accessed January 20, 2014).

Cherepanova N.V., Tukhvatulina L.R. Ethics of a Leader in organization. Tomsk Polytechnic University Science Journal. №6 (321) (2012): 66-71.

Cherepanova N.V., Tukhvatulina L.R. Contemporary management issues. Tomsk State University Science Journal. № 359. (2012): 139-142.

Cherepanova N.V. Ethical Backgrounds of Management in Russia. Management in Russia and Abroad. № 6. (2010): 3 – 11.

Cherepanova N.V. Cultural Space Measurement. Bulletin of TSPU: Philosophy and Cultural Studies. Vol 58, no. 7 (2006): 65 – 71.