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Bubino MN Prediction high summer-autumn floods (in the example of the rivers of the Chelyabinsk region) // Problems of Geography of the Urals and adjacent areas: materials III All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation, Chelyabinsk May 20, 2014 - Chelyabinsk: Edge Ra 2014 - C. 62-66.
Bubino MN Problems and prospects of development of the early stages of venture investment in Russia // Russian Entrepreneurship. - 2014 - №. 4 (250). - C. 96-106.
Bubino MN Features Business Angels in Russia // Innovative technologies and economics in engineering: a collection of the works of the V International scientific-practical conference: in 2 vol., Jurga, 22-23 May 2014. - Tomsk: TPU, 2014 - T. 2 - C. 101-104.
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