Born in Troitsk, Chelyabinsk region in 1976.
In 1998 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. From 1998 to 2008. worked as a teacher in the Chelyabinsk Economic College. In 2007. master's thesis at Perm State University on the theme: "The long-term seasonal fluctuations in river flow of the Chelyabinsk region." Since 2008. Associate Professor in Yurga Institute of Technology (branch) of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University. In 2014 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor in the specialty 08.00.05 "Economics and management of national economy».
In 2011, won a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research on the participation of young Russian scientists in scientific events held in the territory of Russia.
In 2012, short-term training was held at the Novosibirsk State University National Research program: "Innovation activity in terms of the commercialization of intellectual property."
According to the results of research monograph "Rhythm perennial river flow fluctuations as an integral indicator of climate" and more than 45 scientific papers on economics and hydrology.
Bubino MN efficiently manages the research works of students who successfully make presentations at conferences, participate in contests, preparing grant applications, publish articles and abstracts. Total students, under his leadership has published more than 30 articles.