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2002-2008 Omsk State University,Physics Department, Omsk (Student)
2008 Master's degree for "Applied Mathematics and Physics"
2008-2011 Tomsk State University, Physics Department, Tomsk (post-graduate)
2011 Ph.D. in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. Thesis: "Orbit method for study quantum effects in external gravity field”
Tomsk State University, Physics Department - 2009-2012
Junior Researcher in Labolatory of Mathematical and Teoretical spysics - 2013-2014
Preddoc TSU - 2014-2015
Postdoc TSU - 2015-н.в.
Associate Professor of the Theoretical Physics Department Tomsk Polytechnic University, Institute of Physics and Technology - 2009-2015
assistant, Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Physics - 2015-н.в.
senior teacher, Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Physics