Особенности спектрально-угловых распределений излучения и рассеяния электронов при каналировании в HWC / О. В. Богданов [и др.] // URL: http://danp.sinp.msu.ru/pci2015/ProgramFull_pci2015.pdf#page=70
Zr+ Ion-Beam Surface Treatment of 30CrMnSiNi2 Steel for Improving its Fatigue Durability / I. V. Vlasov [et al.] // Advanced Materials Research : Scientific Journal . — 2014. — Vol. 872. — [P. 219-224]. — URL: http://www.scientific.net/AMR.872.219
Рождение электрон-позитронных пар излучением при каналировании в кристалле вольфрама / С. В. Абдрашитов [и др.] // URL: http://danp.sinp.msu.ru/pci2014/ProgramFull_pci2014.pdf#page=73
Богданов, О. В. Спектрально-угловые распределения излучения электронов и позитронов при плоскостном каналировании в полуволновом кристалле Si / О. В. Богданов, Ю. Л. Пивоваров, Т. А. Тухфатуллин // URL: http://danp.sinp.msu.ru/pci2014/ProgramFull_pci2014.pdf#page=86
Angular Distributions of Relativistic Electrons Under Channeling in Half-Wave Crystals and Corresponding Radiation / Yu. Takabayashi [et al.] // URL: https://agenda.infn.it/event/7409/contributions/67505/
Total Yield of Channeling Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Thin Si and W Crystals / S. V. Abdrachitov [et al.] // В фонде НТБ ТПУ отсутствует
Electron-Positron Pair Production by Channeling Radiation inRadiator-Converter Approach: Computer Modeling / S. V. Abdrachitov [et at.] // RREPS-13. Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures and Meghri-13. Electron, Positron, Neutron and X-ray Scattering under External Influences : X International Symposium and III International Conference, 23-28 September, 2013, Lake Sevan, Armenia / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). — 2013. — [P. 126]. — URL: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/c/2013/C64/008.pdf
Total Yield of Channeling Radiation from Relativistic Electronsand Positrons in Thin Si and C Crystals / S. V. Abdrachitov [et al.] // RREPS-13. Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures and Meghri-13. Electron, Positron, Neutron and X-ray Scattering under External Influences : X International Symposium and III International Conference, 23-28 September, 2013, Lake Sevan, Armenia / National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). — 2013. — [P. 64]. — URL: http://www.lib.tpu.ru/fulltext/c/2013/C64/009.pdf
Total yield of channeling radiation from relativistic electrons in thin Si and W crystals / S. V. Abdrachitov [et al.] // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms : Scientific Journal. — 2013. — Vol. 309. — [P. 59–62]. — URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168583X13002619
Orientation Dependence of Energy Loss of Relativistic Electrons and Positrons by Channeling Radiation in Thin Si Crystal / S. V. Abdrachitov [et al.] // Channeling 2012. Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena : 5th International Conference, Alghero, September 23-28, 2012 : Book of Absracts. — 2012. — P. 59
Bogdanov, O. V. Radiation Energy Loss of Relativistic Electrons at Axial and Planar Channeling in Tungsten Crystal / O. V. Bogdanov, S. B. Dabagov, T. A. Tukhfatullin // Channeling 2012. Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena : 5th International Conference, Alghero, September 23-28, 2012 : Book of Absracts. — 2012. — P. 135
Doughnut Scattering of 255 MeV Electrons at <100> Channeling in Silicon Crystal / O. V. Bogdanov [et al.] // URL: http://danp.sinp.msu.ru/pci2012/Program_2012_full.pdf#page=87
Peculiarities of Angular Distribution of Electrons at Si <100> Channeling / O. V. Bogdanov [et al.] // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2012. — Vol. 357, iss. 1: RREPS-2011: Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures. — [012030, 8 p.]. — , . — URL: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/357/1/012030
Fiks, E. I. New peculiarities in angular distribution of Cherenkov radiation from relativistic heavy ions caused by their stopping in radiator: numerical and theoretical research / E. I. Fiks, O. V. Bogdanov, Yu. L. Pivovarov // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. — 2012. — Vol. 357, iss. 1: RREPS-2011: Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures. — [ 012002, 8 p.]. — , . — URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2013.01.064
Fiks, E. I. New Peculiarities in angular distributions of the cherenkov radiation from relativistic heavy ions caused by their stopping in radiation: numerical and Theoretical research / E. I. Fiks, O. V. Bogdanov, Yu. L. Pivovarov // RReps'11. Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures : IX International Symposium, 12-16 September 2011, Egham, United Kingdom / RReps'11. Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures, International Symposium ; Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). — 2011. — С. 19
Channeling and PXR experiments at the SAGA light source / Y. Takabayashi [и др.] // RReps'11. Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures : IX International Symposium, 12-16 September 2011, Egham, United Kingdom / RReps'11. Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures, International Symposium ; Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). — 2011. — С. 54
Bogdanov, O. V. Spectra of channeling electron in thick Si / O. V. Bogdanov, S. B. Dabagov // RReps'11. Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures : IX International Symposium, 12-16 September 2011, Egham, United Kingdom / RReps'11. Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures, International Symposium ; Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). — 2011. — С. 80
Spatial and angular distribution of 255 MeV electrons and positrons at (100) planar channeling in the Si crystals / S. V. Abdrachitov [и др.] // RReps'11. Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures : IX International Symposium, 12-16 September 2011, Egham, United Kingdom / RReps'11. Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures, International Symposium ; Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). — 2011. — С. 90
Peculiarities of angular distribution of electrons at <100> channeling in silicon crystal / O. V. Bogdanov [и др.] // RReps'11. Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures : IX International Symposium, 12-16 September 2011, Egham, United Kingdom / RReps'11. Radiation from Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures, International Symposium ; Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU). — 2011. — С. 120
Basic Channeling with Mathematica©: a New Version of Computer Code / O. V. Bogdanov [et al.] // Channeling 2010. Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena : 4th International Conference, October 3-8, 2010, Ferrara (FE), Italy : Book of Abstracts. — 2010. — P. 57